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2 658
5.15 GB

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Files in this archive

My_Best_Deal-3.5-pc (5.32 GB)
game (5.17 GB)
cache (996 kB)
lib (137 MB)
py2-linux-i686 (26.8 MB)
py2-linux-x86_64 (28.4 MB)
py2-windows-i686 (36.4 MB)
py2-windows-x86_64 (39.4 MB)
python2.7 (6.38 MB)
android (4.55 kB)
builtins (565 B)
certifi (268 kB)
chardet (501 kB)
cli (2.38 kB)
copyreg (490 B)
ctypes (40.9 kB)
macholib (7.42 kB)
ecdsa (416 kB)
email (377 kB)
mime (7.27 kB)
test (286 kB)
encodings (57.6 kB)
future (968 kB)
backports (831 kB)
email (242 kB)
mime (9.40 kB)
html (80.1 kB)
http (126 kB)
test (97.4 kB)
urllib (114 kB)
xmlrpc (58.8 kB)
builtins (11.1 kB)
moves (23.4 kB)
dbm (1.58 kB)
html (1.45 kB)
http (1.96 kB)
test (763 B)
tkinter (6.61 kB)
urllib (3.88 kB)
xmlrpc (786 B)
standard_library (14.2 kB)
tests (13.4 kB)
types (53.9 kB)
utils (20.2 kB)
html (1.25 kB)
http (3.76 kB)
idna (316 kB)
importlib (1.13 kB)
jnius (20.4 kB)
json (21.4 kB)
lib-dynload (57.0 B)
logging (32.0 kB)
ordlookup (18.4 kB)
past (25.9 kB)
builtins (7.63 kB)
translation (10.2 kB)
types (6.29 kB)
utils (1.55 kB)
pyasn1 (225 kB)
codec (76.9 kB)
ber (50.5 kB)
cer (9.26 kB)
der (3.14 kB)
native (13.9 kB)
compat (7.93 kB)
type (134 kB)
pygame_sdl2 (55.2 kB)
pyobjus (175 kB)
reprlib (486 B)
requests (114 kB)
rsa (73.9 kB)
socketserver (499 B)
urllib3 (230 kB)
contrib (64.3 kB)
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packages (41.3 kB)
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ssl_match_hostname (4.04 kB)
util (47.5 kB)
winreg (527 B)
xml (42.4 kB)
etree (41.6 kB)
parsers (332 B)
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    styledata (8.87 kB)
    test (82.9 kB)
    text (307 kB)
    translation (127 kB)
    uguu (606 B)
    update (76.8 kB)
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      Download limit used: 3.08 GB of 6.00 GB