The following types of content are not allowed to be shared on pixeldrain. They
will be removed when reported.
Copyright violation: Works which are shared without permission from the
copyright holder. For copyright reports we need a formal DMCA takedown request
originating from the copyright holder or a representative. If your request is
not valid it will be ignored. Takedown requests which are sent to any other
address than will also be ignored. See the chapter
Copyright infringement below.
Porn: Pornographic material is not strictly banned on pixeldrain. But in
order to comply with international regulations I have to prevent it from
spreading too far. For this reason pornographic videos and images can be
reported through the file reporting form. Once reported the file will be
removed from public viewing.
Abuse of minors: Videos, images or audio fragments depicting abuse or
inappropriate touching of minors will be removed and reported to the National
Center for Missing and Exploited Children when found.
Zoophilia: Videos, images or audio depicting abuse or inappropriate
touching of animals.
Terrorism: Videos, images or audio fragments which promote and
glorify acts of terrorism.
Gore: Graphic and shocking videos or images depicting severe harm to
humans (or animals). I will clarify that I am not strictly against shocking
content, and it is also not illegal in most places. When a shocking video goes
viral it often ends up in the wrong places and it can cause mental issues for
unsuspecting viewers. For that reason I will remove it when it gets reported.
Malware and computer viruses: Software designed to cause harm to computer
Doxing: Posting private information about an individual or organisation.
This includes publicly sharing private photos, videos or documents. Shaming
and extortion are not accepted.
Revenge porn: The distribution of sexually explicit images or videos of
individuals without their consent
Violating these rules will result in your IP address being banned from uploading
to pixeldrain.
If you have found content which falls in any of these categories on pixeldrain
please report it using the report button on the download page of the file. Do
not send an e-mail, it will be ignored. When a file has received enough reports
of the same type it will automatically be blocked. I will also manually review
reported files occasionally.
Copyright infringement
If you have found content which infringes on your copyright you can send a
formal DMCA take-down request to and I will review it. In
your e-mail you need to swear under penalty of perjury that you (or your
company) own exclusive rights to the claimed content. Please state the name of
your organisation so the report can be properly categorised. Please put all
relevant information in the e-mail body itself, no attachments! PDF files
will not be reviewed.
Abuse mails from repeated senders are automatically processed. This only works
if you send the reports to Do not send abuse reports
to support, sales or any other e-mail address, your report will be ignored.
Fornaxian Technologies cannot be held liable for any illegal or copyrighted
material that’s uploaded by the users of this application under the Online
Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act ยง 512(c) in the USA and the
Electronic Commerce Directive 2000 Article 14 in the EU.